Blake Williams
Quest for Happiness: A Conversation with Peter von Bagh
By Boris Nelepo | 09/16/2014 | CS60, From Cinema Scope Magazine, Interviews
By Boris Nelepo and Celluloid Liberation Front 9/22/2014: We were saddened to hear of Peter von Bagh’s death on September 17, 2014. In Citizen Peter, last year’s book on Peter von Bagh (edited by Antti Alanen and Olaf Möller) published in his native Finland, the object of study is dubbed “a Renaissance man,” which is…
Read More → Cannes 2014 | Saint Laurent (Bertrand Bonello, France)
By Boris Nelepo | 06/25/2014 | CS59, Festivals, From Cinema Scope Magazine, Spotlight
By Boris Nelepo “Names, no doubt, are whimsical draughtsmen, giving us of people as well as of places sketches so unlike the reality that we often experience a kind of stupour when we have before our eyes in place of the imagined, the visible world (which, for that matter, is not the real world, our…
Read More → TIFF 2013 | Norte, the End of History (Lav Diaz, Philippines)—Masters
By Boris Nelepo | 08/30/2013 | Cinema Scope Online, TIFF 2013
From Cinema Scope #55, Summer 2013 By Boris Nelepo Nothing is true. Morals are dead. There are no more laws. The end of history is nigh. So says Fabian (Sid Lucero), a law-school dropout who sees no point in legislation in a world devoid of reason. Permanently in debt, he whiles away the hours gabbing…
Read More → Cannes 2013 | Norte, the End of History (Lav Diaz, Philippines)
By Boris Nelepo | 06/24/2013 | CS55, Festivals, From Cinema Scope Magazine, Spotlight
By Boris Nelepo Nothing is true. Morals are dead. There are no more laws. The end of history is nigh. So says Fabian (Sid Lucero), a law-school dropout who sees no point in legislation in a world devoid of reason. Permanently in debt, he whiles away the hours gabbing and griping about the humiliation his…
Read More → Opening the Gates of Night: Jean-Claude Brisseau’s La fille du nulle part
By Boris Nelepo | 12/16/2012 | CS53, Features, From Cinema Scope Magazine
By Boris Nelepo “I love to watch the stars. It’s one of those simple things that give me at least a remote idea of infinity along with some great poetry,” the ghost philosopher says in Jean-Claude Brisseau’s À l’aventure (2008), and Brisseau shares with his characters that same longing for the ineffable, as well as…
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