Cinema Scope Issue 88 Table of Contents
I Remember Everything: Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Memoria by Jordan Cronk
Do the Hustle: Sean Baker on Red Rocket by Blake Williams
Cartooning Unlimited: Dash Shaw on Cryptozoo and Discipline by Sean Rogers
To Sir, with Love: Maria Speth’s Mr. Bachmann and His Class by Michael Sicinski
Next Stop Eternity Peter Tscherkassky’s Train Again and the Love Story of Railroads and Film by Christoph Huber
Trouble Up North: Dennis Hopper’s Out of the Blue by Kate Rennebohm
Family Portraits: Streetwise and TINY: The Life of Erin Blackwell by Jonah Horwitz
Cannes 2021: L’empire contre attack by Mark Peranson
Annette by Beatrice Loayza
Titane by Phil Coldiron
Ahed’s Knee by James Lattimer
France by Lawrence Garcia
In Front of Your Face by Antoine Thirion
The Tsugua Diaries by Robert Koehler

Film/Art | Sun Salutation: The Films of Neelon Crawford by Chris Shields
Books | Revising Revisionism: Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: A Novel by Adam Nayman
Global Discoveries on DVD by Jonathan Rosenbaum
Exploded View | Suzan Pitt by Chuck Stephens
Seeds of Change: The Legacy of India’s Parallel Cinema by Arun A.K.
Night Raiders by Katherine Connell
The Green Knight by Sarah Sheehan
Friends and Strangers by Chloe Lizotte
Old by Josh Cabrita
Cinema Scope