Jude Law
And Everything Is Not Going Fine: Steven Soderbergh’s Side Effects
By Vadim Rizov | 02/12/2013 | Cinema Scope Online, Currency
By Vadim Rizov Critics arriving late to press screenings of Steven Soderbergh’s Side Effects were greeted by an unusual sign: “Dear Invited Guest, due to the non-linear nature of this film, it would be unrewarding for you to enter at this point. We look forward to welcoming you at the next screening. Best regards, The…
Read More → The Re-Invention of Dreams: Martin Scorsese’s Hugo
By Jason Anderson | 12/02/2011 | Cinema Scope Online
By Jason Anderson For a director to craft a movie that could inspire young viewers to become filmmakers themselves was a well-worn ambition long before the making of Super 8. But leave it to Martin Scorsese to trump J.J. Abrams by fashioning a slice of pure incandescent wonder that’ll have tykes telling their parents they’d…
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