Judd Apatow

Fight Club: Judd Apatow’s This Is 40

By Adam Nayman When Paul Rudd declared midway through Knocked Up that marriage was like a “tense, unfunny episode of Everybody Loves Raymond,” it was meant as a warning to a friend. As it turns out, he was also offering an advance review of This Is 40. Judd Apatow’s “sort of sequel” to his career-and-industry…
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Katherine Heigl Is a Liar: Bridesmaids

By Nicole Armour The most discussed set-piece in Paul Feig’s hilarious Bridesmaids sees the bride’s attendants contracting food poisoning while visiting a sterile bridal salon. While clothed in objectionable, expensive garments, their bodies rebel and the group, including the bride, starts vomiting and shitting everywhere. In wedding tradition, the ritual of dress shopping is meant…
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Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, US)

By Jessica Winter. As funny and endearing as Judd Apatow’s proudly vulgar new comedy can be, it may give the viewer nostalgia for the sequence in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) when Jennifer Jason Leigh falls pregnant by a guy she shouldn’t be with, promptly gets an abortion, and rides back from the clinic…
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