J.P. Sniadecki
Heaven and Earth and Television Magic: The Cinema of Jesse McLean
By Tom McCormack | 04/01/2011 | Cinema Scope Online
By Tom McCormack Toward the end of Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint, the narrator travels to Israel and forms an uneasy acquaintance with a young woman named Ruth. The episode is contrived so that Roth can stage a symbolic dialogue: one between traditional Jewish values and…
Read More → Features | Cast Glances: Thomas Comerford’s The Indian Boundary Line and the Contemporary Landscape Film
By Tom McCormack | 09/21/2010 | CS44, Features, From Cinema Scope Magazine
By Tom McCormack Although he has been making a name for himself as a director of exquisitely quiet, meditative avant-garde films since 1997, Thomas Comerford has remained a relatively unsung figure on the experimental scene, partly because he often prefers to bypass film festivals and instead organize DIY tours to various microcinemas around the US.…
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