Genevieve Yue

TIFF 2013 | Cristi Puiu on Three Interpretation Exercises (Cristi Puiu, Romania/France)—Wavelengths

From Cinema Scope #55, Summer 2013 Every Film Must Be an Exercise: Cristi Puiu on Three Interpretation Exercises Cristi Puiu’s new film Three Interpretation Exercises is exactly that: three discrete, roughly 50-minute sequences, improvised with three groups of four actors, which grew out of a workshop Puiu was invited to lead in Toulouse. Puiu spoke…
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Recife Breathes: Kleber Mendonça Filho on Neighboring Sounds

By Aaron Cutler A young man guides a few people through a large, white, empty apartment. The room stretches wide from one bare wall to another. It’s morning on a hot day, and dust hangs in the air. The man, João (Gustavo Jahn), works leasing his grandfather’s buildings. It turns out a woman died recently…
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