John Gianvito
Her Socialist Smile (John Gianvito, US)
By Jordan Cronk | 12/22/2020 | Columns, CS85, Fall Festival Spotlight, From Cinema Scope Magazine
By Jordan Cronk In a year when even the most perfunctorily political film has been deemed newly relevant, it’s a 58-minute observational documentary from 2007 that, by quietly surveying the United States’ progressive past, points most perceptively to the struggle that has faced the American Left since long before 2020. A history of violence and…
Read More → TIFF Day 3: Far from Afghanistan | Anna Karenina | Argo | Blancanieves | Clip | Hyde Park on Hudson | Juvenile Offender | The Land of Hope | Lunarcy! | Out in the Dark | Smashed
By cscope2 | 09/08/2012 | Cinema Scope Online, TIFF 2012
The Discomforts of Home: Far from Afghanistan (John Gianvito, Travis Wilkerson, Jon Jost, Minda Martin, Soon-Mi Yoo, USA)—Wavelengths By Aaron Cutler and Mariana Shellard When Chris Marker gathered his Nouvelle Vague and Left Bank colleagues to make the omnibus film Loin du Viêtnam in 1967, nearly half a million American troops were stationed in Vietnam…
Read More → The Decade in Review | John Gianvito
By John Gianvito | 03/16/2010 | The Decade In Review
The value of the game of lists—if there is one—is that it affords one an opportunity to share one’s enthusiasms, to extol, to an imagined other, certain values one holds dear. Each of the films on my list is, by its very existence, a victory against the Cinema of Alienation and Distraction; each, in highly…
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