Jim Jennings

Deaths of Cinema | In Transit: Jim Jennings (1951-2022)

Ordinarily when one is tasked to compose an obituary for a public figure, the writer can assume that the reader has some basic familiarity with the subject. This lends itself to a particular approach, which usually entails an expression of the subject’s significance to his or her field, some historical context for their achievements, and an overall reminder of the enduring value of their work. In the case of experimental filmmaker Jim Jennings, who died on May 19th, some of these assumptions are frustratingly inapplicable. 
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TIFF Day 8: Wavelengths 4: From the Inside Out

By Andrea Whyte Black TV (Aldo Tambellini, USA, 1968) Burning Star (Josh Solondz, USA) When Bodies Touch (Paolo Gioli, Italy/France) Ritournelle (Christopher Becks, Peter Miller, Germany) Watch the Closing Doors (Jim Jennings, USA) View from the Acropolis (Lonnie van Brummelen, Siebren de Haan, The Netherlands) De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité…
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