Tom McCormack
Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, US)
By John Semley | 06/24/2012 | CS51, Currency, From Cinema Scope Magazine
By John Semley Kubrick has his monolith, Lynch his voyeur peering through the closet door, Spielberg his countless shots of faces wide-eyed and slack-jawed, awash in the wonder of some off-screen astonishment, all images that singularly apprehend broad authorial sensibilities. It’s been hard to narrow in on any one characteristic image that defines the cinema…
Read More → Forking Paths: Another Earth
By John Semley | 07/29/2011 | Cinema Scope Online
By John Semley The idea of parallel worlds is familiar to anyone even casually acquainted with such science-fiction perennials as Star Trek and The Twilight Zone or other pop culture staples. (Comic books especially have minted the conceit for all it’s worth as a means to shake up their heroes’ histories, with both Marvel and…
Read More → Two for the Road: The Trip
By John Semley | 06/30/2011 | Cinema Scope Online
By John Semley Midway through Michael Winterbottom’s The Trip, an enticing bit of trivia tumbles out of Rob Brydon’s Welsh mouth: apparently, co-star Steve Coogan (like Brydon, playing “himself”) was in the running for the eponymous role in HBO’s The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004), edged out by Geoffrey Rush. Like plenty of…
Read More → Web Only | This Movie Is Broken (Bruce McDonald, Canada)
By John Semley | 06/18/2010 | CS43, Web Only
Like a father who dusts off his Led Zeppelin IV LP in a pathetic attempt to relate to the Black Flag pounding behind his son’s bedroom door, CanCon mainstay Bruce McDonald’s latest pitch n’ toss at the zeitgeist, This Movie Is Broken, profoundly misapprehends the youth culture it so attempts to valourize—a particularly damning indictment…
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