Justine Smith
TIFF 2021 | Petite maman (Céline Sciamma, France)
By Courtney Duckworth | 09/08/2021 | Cinema Scope Online, TIFF 2021, TIFF Coverage & Reviews
By Courtney Duckworth Published in Cinema Scope #87 (Summer 2021) Fairy tales routinely kill or banish parents to clear a path for the roaming imaginations of children. Recall that Hansel and Gretel must plumb the forest alone, assaying their own mettle, and the stranded Goose Girl cannot speak her secret self to another soul. Céline…
Read More → The Calming (Song Fang, China)
By Courtney Duckworth | 12/22/2020 | CS85, Fall Festival Spotlight, Festivals, From Cinema Scope Magazine
By Courtney Duckworth Inertia implies stillness, but more precisely it means that without intervention any body resists change. The word conjures ceaseless motion as much as it does stasis—someone who cannot go on, or someone who can do nothing else. Something of this semantic tension imbues The Calming, writer-director Song Fang’s ascetic second feature. Lin…
Read More → Never Rarely Sometimes Always (Eliza Hittman, US)
By Courtney Duckworth | 06/23/2020 | CS83, Currency, From Cinema Scope Magazine
One May evening, I dipped into a Twitch stream in search of a fresh current. Within the weird undertow of quarantine, there is a new lustre to these live events, which mark unfixed days with a fixed hour—a dupe for the transient communion gone from cinemas that now lie empty. Some 200 of us “gathered” for a program, co-presented by Screen Slate and Electronic Arts Intermix, of short works from Cecelia Condit, a singular scrambler of feminine tropes and fairy tales since the ’80s. New to me among them was last year’s We Were Hardly More than Children, an oneiric memoir.
Read More → The Exorcist: Barbara Loden and Wanda
By Courtney Duckworth | 03/26/2019 | CS78, Features, From Cinema Scope Magazine
Barbara Loden re-emerges in fragments. Caught in a 1965 snapshot from street photographer Garry Winogrand, she cuts across a wedge of city sunlight; tufts of windblown hair halo her wary face as one high heel steps just out of frame.
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