Ian Barr

Florianópolis Dream (Ana Katz, Argentina/Brazil/France) — Contemporary World Cinema

By Diego Brodersen Since her debut feature El juego de la silla (2002), Argentine actor-turned-filmmaker Ana Katz has defined a personal style of comedy: a peculiar derivative of the costumbrismo, a cinematic form that she further elaborated in A Wandering Bride (2007), and which reached its limit within the confines of the mainstream in The…
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The Summit (Santiago Mitre, Argentina/Spain/France) — Contemporary World Cinema

By Diego Brodersen The third feature by Santiago Mitre (The Student, Paulina) is in more ways than one his most ambitious, complex, and accomplished yet. It’s not easy to mess around with the presidency in a country where there’s no such cinematic tradition, with the exceptions of documentary films and the casual fictional hagiography of…
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