Brandon Wee
Columns | Brandon Wee answers Pierre Rissient’s “Letter on Malaysian Cinema”
By Brandon Wee | 09/03/2009 | Columns
By Brandon Wee Mark forwarded me your letter in response to my article on Malaysian cinema (Cinema Scope 29). Thanks for your thoughts. Serious writing on film seldom undergoes the rigours of engagement, and I’m therefore grateful for the chance to furnish this rejoinder. You’ve laboured under the impression that I’ve excluded U-wei from my…
Read More → Web Only | Festivals: Hot Docs
By Brandon Wee | 09/01/2009 | Uncategorized
By Brandon Wee There’s something telling about the subject index that is sometimes found in the back pages of a film festival’s catalogue or in its publicity materials. Perpetually overstuffed, festivals often offer help to both the seasoned viewer and casual visitor by breaking down the vastness of its content into broad fields of interest.…
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